Tying a new wall to existing masonry doesn’t have to be a major, costly and time-consuming issue. Whether it involves a home extension, the addition of a new garden wall, or the creation of a conservatory, using a wall starter kit dramatically reduces the amount of cost and time needed to achieve a lasting, professional result.

The traditional method of tying new walls to existing walls is ‘toothing out’. This involves the removal of alternate bricks, leaving behind a row of ‘teeth’ into which the new bricks can then be interlocked. Clearly, such a process takes a lot of time and effort, ensuring all the time that the mortar bond between old and new masonry is nothing less than perfect.

Using a wall starter kit is now the standard method and so toothing out brickwork has become less and less common. Wall starters are quicker and easier to use, reducing construction time (and thus cost) and completely eliminating the potential problem of not achieving adequate mortar bonds at each ‘toothed’ connection.

Building Regulations exist to ensure that minimum construction and design standards are always observed and maintained. Before undertaking the construction of a new wall or any other structural element, you should check with a Building Inspector to find out if the cavity should be maintained and if a vertical damp proof course is necessary.

Wall starter kits from BS Fixings can be used successfully on internal and external walls made from brick or block. Each comprehensive pack contains two stainless steel wall connectors along with plugs, washers, connector ties, and screws, sufficient for a single-leaf wall of up to 2.4m.

Find out more about our wall starter kits on the product page. Want to get exclusive content and special offers from BS Fixings? Join our VIP club today!