V-Line Clamp | Chalk Line & Tape Holder


V Line Clamp

V-Line Clamp for Chalk Line & Tape Measure

Find a need and fill it. That’s exactly what the guys at V-Line have done with their chalk line and tape measure clamp. It’s a pretty simple concept that essentially gives you an extra pair of hands on the job when you’re trying to cut sheet goods.

V-Line Clamp

How V-Line Clamp Works

Making an accurate measurement or snapping a line across your sheet goods can get tricky, especially when the tape measure or line hook doesn’t want to stay put. The V-Line Clamp (looking much like a clothes pin on steroids) attaches securely to any point on the sheet and provides an anchor for the tape or line hook, preventing it from slipping out of place.

V-Line Clamp

Once you locate your point, just slip the clamp onto the material and position it so that one of the clips aligns with your desired cut line. Then, attach your tape measure or chalk line clip; make your measurement or snap your line, and you’re done. Like I said, very simple and straight-forward.

V-Line ClampV-Line Clamp

V-Line Clamp Quality

I’m including a look at both the packaging and the overall quality of the product, since the V-Line is from a small company without the history or brand awareness of a Bosch, Stanley, or an Irwin. Both are top-notch, in my opinion. The Clamp comes packaged in an easy-to-open blister-over-cardboard container. For those inclined to do so, it’s even easy to get back inside the package. I doubt you’ll do so, because once you use the tool, it’ll become a go-to accessory whenever you’re working with sheet goods.

V-Line Clamp

The Clamp itself is made from recycled materials. While I’m always a fan of products manufactured in the U.S., the V-Line is made in Taiwan. As a small business owner myself, and with friends who manufactured their own tool lines, I understand the necessity to make products for the least amount of money. That, in turn, makes them affordable and gets the product off the ground. At less than $10, the V-Line Clamp is a deal – it would likely cost at least a third more than that if it was made here, but that’s just a guess.

I’ve seen a couple of reviews from framers who say they’ve used a standard spring-clamp with similar results, but the inventor had a great response. Check out their conversation on BeThePro.com HERE.

See the V-Line in action HERE.

V-Line Clamp Review

Overall, I’m impressed with the functionality, quality and value of the Clamp. It does what it says it will do, and it’s not overly-complicated to work with. I figured it out without looking at the directions (my usual test for tool complexity), and even thought of a couple other ways to use it.

V-Line Clamp

I give the V-Line Clamp high marks overall. It’s an inexpensive addition to anyone’s tool box, especially if you’re a framer or do any other work with sheet goods.

Check price/availability on Amazon: CLICK HERE

For more information from V-Line: CLICK HERE

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