Pliers Saving a Wedding? It Really Happened! – Vampire Tools

The idea that linesman pliers could possibly save the day at a wedding beggars belief. Yet it actually happened earlier in 2016!

The Sound are a Plymouth, UK based Indie-pop and rock covers band that frequently plays music venue gigs and provides entertainment for wedding receptions as well. In July 2016, they were due to play at a wedding reception in Polperro, Cornwall, yet things turned sour when the band’s frontman, Sam Johnson, broke a tooth biting into a tasty piece of pork crackling at the dinner just prior to being due to sing on stage.

In excruciating pain, with a bleeding gum and a hanging tooth, he was unable to sing at all, which would have spelled disaster for the rest of the evening’s festivities.

Ever the professional, however, the lead singer knew the show must go on. The band has a strict policy of never cancelling a private function (especially on such short notice), so decided to take drastic action…

Johnson’s band mates managed to locate a toolkit that included a set of lineman pliers and the decision to yank out the tooth on the spot was made.  With no other painkillers available, the singer downed a fast jagerbomb to take the edge off before the drummer (who volunteered to do so) used the pliers to remove the tooth swiftly and completely.

The tooth removal took place outside the reception venue, by the band vehicle, and nobody outside the band was any the wiser about what had taken place until long after the wedding was over.

The greatest irony in the whole fiasco was that there was actually a qualified professional dentist in the room amongst the wedding guests…

While hardly a conventional use for linesman pliers, tooth removal under less than ideal circumstances has long been made much easier with these handy tools. With perfect grip (better than ever if VAMPLIERS are used) and maneuverability, they are the best tool for any fiddly job that you need to get right the first time!

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