Versatile Dial Wrench is a QC Tool Used for Both Assembly Applications & Torque Auditing – Blog | Mountz Torque Tips & Solutions

A dial torque wrench is typically used as a quality control instrument to verify or monitor torque. What is a dial wrench? A type of wrench that measures the amount of torque applied to a fastener and displays the torque value on a dial. The dial wrench captures the finishing torque applied to a fastener […]

Versatile Dial Wrench is a QC Tool Used for Both Assembly Applications & Torque Auditing – Blog | Mountz Torque Tips & Solutions Read More »

Preset Torque Screwdrivers – Blog | Mountz Torque Tips & Solutions

A preset torque screwdriver is similar to a person setting an alarm clock to signal the achievement of a selected time. The torque screwdriver is pre-set to the required torque value of the application and then the tool signals the operator when torque is achieved. A preset torque screwdriver does not feature an external adjustment

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Stop Fumbling with Screws – Blog | Mountz Torque Tips & Solutions

Conventional assembly methods cause assemblers to inefficiently fumble with screws that are stored in bins or shaker trays. Fumbling isn’t just a football occurrence. Daily, assembly operators using power tools fumble around picking up screws from bins and slowly align the fasteners onto a bit. In an attempt to grab one fastener at a time,

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Loosening Torque Test Method – Blog | Mountz Torque Tips & Solutions

Every time a fastener is used to form a joint between two parts, torque control is a key element of that formula. Ensuring a well-tightened fastener is installed properly to the pre-defined torque specification will determine the success or failure of a product. Torque testing is key to identifying and reducing fastening failures. A lack

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Organize & Automate the Assembly Process with a Screw Presenter – Blog | Mountz Torque Tips & Solutions

Screw presenters make assemblers and the assembly process more efficient by mechanically presenting a screw to a fixed pick up point. The small and compact MSP screw presenter is designed to organize and automate work areas and production cells. These tabletop feeders can be used in combination with most any assembly application and power tool.

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Tips for Adjusting the Bit Guide of a MSP Screw Presenter – Blog | Mountz Torque Tips & Solutions

The MSP screw presenters make assemblers and the assembly process more efficient by mechanically presenting a screw to a fixed pick up point. The screws are aligned along the screw-feeding rail with one fastener exposed and sitting in the bit guide. Once the bit of the power tool engages with the screw head and the

Tips for Adjusting the Bit Guide of a MSP Screw Presenter – Blog | Mountz Torque Tips & Solutions Read More »

Quick Start Guide for Setting Up an Electric Screwdriver System – Blog | Mountz Torque Tips & Solutions

An electric screwdriver is often used for light assembly applications for industries like aerospace, electronics and medical manufacturing. The assembly power tool and should be operated and maintained like a precision instrument. A torque controlled electric screwdriver is designed to automatically shut-off  when the preset torque value is reached and provide accurate repeatability. Mountz electric

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Mountz the Pioneer of Electronic Torque Measurement – Blog | Mountz Torque Tips & Solutions

The Mountz ETA (Electronic Torque Analyzer) System originated in the early 1970s based on a need for the U.S. Navy Polaris Missile Program. With the assistance of Lockheed Missile & Space Co., the primary contractor, Mountz was awarded a development contract for 50 ETA systems. The first system encompassed a strain gauge torsion bar transducer

Mountz the Pioneer of Electronic Torque Measurement – Blog | Mountz Torque Tips & Solutions Read More »

Operating a Preset Click Wrench Efficiently – Blog | Mountz Torque Tips & Solutions

Manufacturers that manually tighten fasteners and require one consistent torque value have two basic obstacles to overcome. First, implement a torque tool that securely prevents an operator from either incidentally or intentionally tamper with a tool’s torque setting. Secondly, train the operator to properly use the tool correctly to help ensure the desired torque output

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Metric Fasteners from Mr. Metric (A Member of the Mountz Torque Family) – Blog | Mountz Torque Tips & Solutions

With 50 years of experience, Mountz, Inc. has proven its in-depth knowledge of torque and manufacturing expertise by consistently developing, producing, marketing and servicing highly sophisticated, quality torque tools. But did you know Mountz also offers fasteners? The answer is YES! Mr. Metric (a Mountz company) offers fasteners … METRIC FASTENERS! Founded in 1980, Mr.

Metric Fasteners from Mr. Metric (A Member of the Mountz Torque Family) – Blog | Mountz Torque Tips & Solutions Read More »

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