Are you envying over your neighbors’ lawn? If you believe that a healthy lawn contributes only to the aesthetic appeal, you are probably mistaken!

A perfect lawn makes up for a perfect home. The pros of lawn maintenance are incredible, and many. Lawn maintenance is not a difficult task if done correctly and with discipline. Remember, if a lawn is not maintained well, it gets useless within no time. 

Just like your child requires nurturing, your lawn also needs care.  And by investing little time and effort, you can transform your lawn into a lush green and healthy garden. Here are some marvellous tips that could convert your not “so-sweet” lawn into a stunning panorama.

1. Weeds Are Undesirable
It is akin to stating that bad habits are intolerable. What you want are neat grass, not weeds and mosses. The quality of soil can get deteriorated, and the grass coarse can become sick. Weeds are easily identifiable and need to be eradicated at the root level. There are a lot of tools that can make your lawn maintenance simpler and headache-free. However, do not get lazy and make use of a chemical weedkiller! Though weed killers can sound attractive, they will not only hurt your pocket, but also the life of your lawn.

2. The Lawnmower Is a Blessing in Disguise
Yes, you read it right. Manual pruning takes a lot of energy and time and also does not yield expected results. Lawnmowers nowadays are easily affordable. So the question arises why do you even need lawn mowers?

The reason is simple. You cannot allow the grass to reach more than 5-6 cm in height. Remember, you are creating a beautiful garden, not a forest!  

Talking about how often you need to use a lawnmower, the amount of growth varies from season to season. Rainy seasons can cause faster growth, thereby leading to an increase in usage A good machine can prune evenly at equal heights. Click Here to Buy Electric Lawn Mowers in Qatar.

3. Use Fallen Leaves as Mulch for Your Garden
Needless to mention, the autumn season will scatter your garden with fallen leaves. Also, you need to sweep the pruned grass and other debris in the lawn. Sweeping the lawn occasionally will enhance the quality of the soil and keep your environment clean from unwanted dirt.  

Another best way to use the fallen leaves is raking them into a high, crunchy pile in the middle of the lawn and then jumping on it. Or you can use them as mulch. When they decompose, they help to strengthen the structure, drainage, and nutrient-holding ability of the soil.

4. Dethatching Can Solve Most Problems on Your Lawn
Before getting into the meaning of this complex-sounding term, it is pertinent to know the meaning of thatch.  

Thatch is nothing but a layer of dead grass and stems between the living grass and the soil. You can easily guess why thatch is a bad thing. It prevents the absorption of necessary nutrients from the soil. Not all thatches are bad. Small thatches are beneficial and can provide protective cushioning while big thatches are dangerous. 

For dethatching, it is smart to rent or buy a dethatcher that can make your work easier. For a healthy lawn, dethatching is required once a year or whenever the thatch reaches a thickness of about 1/2 or 1 inch. This process helps the key nutrients like fertilizer, water or oxygen reach your lawn’s root zone allowing your grass to continue to grow and thrive.

5. Your Lawn Feels Thirsty Too!
This is one of the most important things to do if you love your lawn. You water it. You can use spray guns or sprinklers, but rainwater is undoubtedly the best. In areas where rainfall is not decent, regular watering of your garden is a must. However, you need to take care by not overwatering it. The roots can lose grip easily and even light rainfalls can erode them.

Water your lawn early morning whenever possible. This prevents water loss due to wind and evaporation and allows water to soak into the soil until the sun heats it. Watering devices that remain close to the ground should be used.

6. Add Finishing Touches by Edging Your Lawn
When it comes to putting in a little extra effort in their yards, lawn edging is one of those tedious tasks that many people would rather avoid. But did you know that edging your yard will make it look a hundred times better with just an extra hour or so? It will also make it easier to maintain your property by simply putting this border around the edge would suffice.

Do not allow grass to grow into the borders as this will not make your lawn look neat and crisp. You can make use of a long-handled shear to create a beautiful edge for your lawn!  

7. Love Organic, Not Chemical
Chemicals can only reverse your efforts in building a mesmerizing lawn. Numerous people have been bamboozled by advertisements to use chemical fertilizers to aid the growth of grass, but on the other hand, it can only hamper the life of your lawn. 

On the other hand, organic fertilizers, being close to nature will aid in effective growth and increase lifespan. These fertilizers make the roots strong. You can also buy organic fertilizers online at reasonable rates.  

Final Thoughts

Having discipline is important if you want to convert your lawn into a visual treat. Regularly inspecting and maintaining your lawn, as well as removing any unnecessary surface debris such as dead leaves and twigs, and also, cutting back any areas that cause too much shade, will keep your lawn looking lush and healthy! Trying these 7 Lawn care and maintenance tips will surely make your lawn look brighter and heaven-like.