Important Notice – COVID-19

March 24th, 2020.

Dear valued Customers, Suppliers, Business Colleagues,

With the rapidly evolving COVID-19 global pandemic, we felt compelled to provide this update.

Following the Ontario Provincial Government’s announcement of yesterday, we are pleased to advise that we have been deemed exempt from mandated business closures so we continue to work. We fall under clause 1.:

Supply chains
1. Businesses that supply other essential businesses or essential services with the support, supplies, systems or services, including processing, packaging, distribution, delivery and maintenance necessary to operate;

Many of our Customers are exempt by way of the clause for Manufacturers and hence continue to operate.

Out of an abundance of caution and the desire to curb further transmission, Triumph is now taking additional measures beyond what was stated in our March 16th notice, including:

  • No visitors are allowed in any of our locations;
  • Customer Service counters are closed; all are encouraged to phone or e-mail. We have drop zones for pick-up;
  • We now have more people working from home;
  • Our Salesmen are not making any customer visits unless absolutely critical;
  • Hiring freeze in place.

We are staying abreast of rapidly changing conditions by way of Public Health Canada, CDC and other reliable sources and will make adjustments to the measures that we have taken accordingly.

Please contact one of our Representatives or the undersigned if you have any questions.


John Duffy


March 16th, 2020.

Dear valued Customers, Suppliers, Business Colleagues,

Out of an abundance of caution and the desire to curb further transmission, Triumph is taking certain distinct measures through the COVID-19 global pandemic. Meanwhile we need to ensure that the Supply Chain is secure to keep our Customers running.

The measures that we are taking at Triumph include:

  • Social distancing;
  • Elimination of handshakes;
  • Reminding all to wash hands often with warm water and soap;
  • Work from home for anyone showing any signs of illness;
  • Limiting non-essential customer visits;
  • Drivers to limit interaction to the bare minimum when making deliveries or vending program restocks;
  • Self isolation measures for those returning from international travel;
  • Cancellation of all out of country business travel;
  • Cancellation of out of country Supplier visits;

Although we are aware of some business closures, we have not seen any evidence of this in our market space. So long as our Customers are still running and our Suppliers are still shipping, we will be at work to do our part.

We are staying abreast of rapidly changing conditions by way of Public Health Canada, CDC and other reliable sources and will make adjustments to the measures that we have taken accordingly.

Please contact one of our Representatives or the undersigned if you have any questions.


John Duffy

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