Importance of High Quality Bolts and Nuts in Construction

Jun 24, 2016

To the untrained eye, it may look like the big machines, steel and wood are the most important parts of a construction project, but those in the industry know that the most essential parts are the bolts and nuts. Although materials for a construction job have to be durable and strong and machines have to perform at high efficiency, without fasteners holding everything together, there wouldn’t be any towers, houses, bridges or garages. The construction industry relies on bolts and nuts  in every project and that’s why quality is so important.


Bolts and nuts made from inferior materials or manufactured cheaply are weak and can make a structure unsafe. Damaged roofs, walls, bridges due to inferior fasteners put everyone who uses it at risk. Broken, rusted or cracked nuts and bolts may become life threatening if a structure falls apart. Avoid these dangerous consequences by using high quality bolts and nuts in every construction project and staying up to code.


Every part of a building, from the roof to the sub-levels, performs an essential job and without quality bolts and nuts, it will eventually fail. A roof is supposed to keep water out of a home and a constructed bridge has to hold up to the constant weight and traffic of automobiles. The right types of materials for each job ensure that they can do what you expect them to, but the right fastener design guarantees predictable performance. Choosing lower quality nuts and bolts to reduce costs causes problems as they deteriorate or don’t form a tight seal between materials. High quality fasteners made with the right steel to hold up to the environmental conditions and pressure ensure that every construction project performs safely and properly.

Time-tested and durable

Along with a construction project needing to perform its designated purpose, it also needs to be durable and last through all conditions. Putting in all the effort, money and time into a construction project only to have it suffer damage due to inferior bolts can require costly repairs later. Poor quality fasteners are more prone to cracks, breaks, rust and wear than high-quality nuts and bolts and aren’t worth saving on initial costs. A completed construction project with time-tested, high-quality fasteners can have a safe, long life expectancy.

Ensure that you’re next construction project stands the test of time with high quality fasteners from Copper State Bolt & Nut Co.

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