One of the best things about Christmas is that, for most of us, it gives us a chance to take some much-needed time away from work, instead spending it with family and friends. It allows us the space to relax and recharge our batteries, ready for the excitement and promise of a brand new year just around the corner. We will be shutting up shop for a few days and heading home but have made our last delivery and order dates as flexible as we possibly could!

It has been an extremely busy and productive year for us and it seems to have gone by in a flash. It doesn’t seem five minutes ago since we were working hard to set up BS Fixings as a one-stop shop for customers to access quality stainless steel products developed by our parent company BS Stainless Ltd – now the website is incredibly popular and is expanding all the time.

Before BS Fixings, many calls would come in to BS Stainless requesting small amounts of products such as screws, nails and rivets. As we are so dedicated to serving the needs of our customers, we would generally comply with such requests though, as a major global supplier of stainless steel products to a range of industries, we had our work already cut out for us! Eventually, we decided that a new, separate arm of the company was needed and BS Fixings was born, under a lucky stainless steel star!

Here are the all important dates for Christmas:

  • Our reliable next-day delivery service will be running right up until and including Christmas Eve so if you want to be sure of getting your goods before 2016, make sure your order is placed by close of business on the 23rd December

  • We will be CLOSED from 24th December 2015 and will OPEN again on the 4th January

  • Jumping right back into the swing of things, we will be despatching any orders placed over the festive period as soon as we get back on 4th January

Have a fabulous Christmas and a vibrant, prosperous New Year from all at BS Fixings – your premier supplier of stainless steel fixings and fastenings.