Ecovacs Winbot Window Cleaning Robot | CES 2013


Ecovacs Winbot Robot

Who doesn’t love cleaning windows? Really? Wouldn’t it be great if someone invented a robot to do the job for you? Funny you should mention that…

That’s one of the great things about the Consumer Electronics Show – you never know what you’re gonna get. We found a company that manufactures robots to handle some of life’s more mundane tasks, including cleaning those aforementioned windows. ECOVACS bots also clean your floors and air, and manage your appliances – pretty cool stuff. The Winbot takes over where Windex and elbow grease leave off.

AC-powered, the Winbot sucks itself onto your window and won’t let go. Sensors keep it where it’s supposed to be and even makes sure it does a good job around the edges. If it makes biscuits, we’ll take 6!

Although it’s a bit pricey (well, technically, they haven’t settled on a price yet), one thing is for sure – the Winbot is a kick to watch, as you’ll see in the video preview below.

For more information on Winbot: ECOVACS Site


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