Economical Casters vs Quality Casters – What’s the right choice?



So often customers come to our store and ask for the cheapest casters or levelers possible to fix their problem. As the owner of California Caster, how should I expect our customer service team to respond to this request? When larger companies are making sizable purchases and are genuinely concerned about the bottom line, what else should they consider before making a decision??
This issue arises time after time with customers large and small. They would all like to spend the least amount possible while at the same time expect the product to last forever. Casters and levelers like no other products I know truly reflect the old adage, “You get what you pay for.”  A customer has so many different choices around the quality of casters that we often are at a loss as to what to suggest. When making a decision around your purchase, you should always consider the following:

  • The importance (and expense) of what these casters are supporting
  • The type of environment these casters will be exposed to (heat/cold/flooring/etc.)
  •  How much weight are these casters able to support?
  • Exposure to chemicals/water/salt/wide-ranging temperatures
  • How long do I want them to last?

We have close relationships with most all manufacturers of casters including Colson, Shepherd, Albion, Jarvis, Darnell Rose, Medcaster, RWM and many more. Each of these manufacturers offer wide ranges of quality to accommodate your pocketbook and your application needs.
The best suggestion I could offer you is to always take a longer term view of  the project and ask yourself the most basic question, Do I want to be back At California Caster buying more casters because I didn’t spend a little more on quality. Price is always important, but should it be THE driving force behind your decision?
This issue is never easy to address – so always be aware of the caster’s application (and environment) before making that critical decision.
Greg Williams

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