Calibration Guide for Torque Testers & Sensors – Blog | Mountz Torque Tips & Solutions

A torque analyzer or a torque sensor are a finely tuned instrument designed for testing and monitoring torque applications. Designed for torque evaluation and verification, a torque analyzer and sensor are a laboratory grade instruments commonly used for quality control, R&D and calibration applications. In order to maintain accuracy, it is crucial that torque measuring equipment be properly calibrated regularly.

Companies like those in the medical, aerospace, and automotive industries calibrate their torque measuring equipment to comply with best practices and quality assurance requirements. Calibration is the method of comparing tools and measuring devices to higher accuracy standards. Torque calibration equipment is the official means by which torque testers and sensors are calibrated and are traceable to National or International Standards, such as N.I.S.T and ISO.

Torque calibration equipment for torque testers or torque sensor includes a either a segment arm or calibration wheel, as well as weights to create a known torque load. This is expressed in the formula “Torque equals force times distance“. Mountz offers various segment arm lengths for different torque ranges. The video above demonstrates how to conduct a calibration using the segment arm.

Guide to the Calibration of Torque Testers & Sensors with a Segment Arm

  • When calibrating, securely attach the torque tester or torque sensor to a work bench.
  • Determine type of calibration to be performed.
    a. Calibration at 3 Pts. Test at 10%, 50% and 100 of Full Scale.
    b. Calibration at 6 Pts. Test at 10%, 20%, 40%, 60% 80% and 100 of Full Scale.
    c. Direction Clockwise and/or Counter Clockwise
  • Next, select the appropriate size segment arm. Attach it to the input drive of the torque tester or sensor.
  • Along with segment arm, weights are required for the calibration process.
  • The weight needed is determined by the maximum torque range of the tester or sensor being calibrated, as well as the length of the segment arm.
  • Slotted weights are then placed on the hanger.
  • Repeat this process for various test points through the torque range.

Using quality torque calibration equipment makes a safer world through accuracy and precision. Measuring torque is essential for companies to ensure their product’s quality, safety and reliability isn’t compromised. The failure of a three-cent fastener that isn’t properly tightened can lead to catastrophic or latent failures. Fasteners that are insufficiently fastened can vibrate loose and excessive torque can strip threaded fasteners.

Have a question about which torque calibration to use for a particular application? Mountz can help! Contact us online or call our torque experts at 1-888-925-2763 for guidance on our vast selection of torque measurement equipment.
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