Buy KEEN Utility Boots and Support a Service Man or Woman!

Since September 11, 2001, we all have a friend, family member, or friend of a friend who has served in the military in some capacity.   And no matter what your belief is on the various wars that have been on-going, I think we can all agree that we should support service men and women however we can, especially those that have been wounded in combat and have to come home and make new lives for themselves while learning to live with the life-altering injuries.

So what can you do?  Believe it or not, you can buy shoes!  But not just any shoes.  KEEN Utility boots.  And isn’t that right up the alley of our Tool Skool Readers?  So how does this work?  KEEN Utility and many of their retail partners have teamed up with Home for our Troops to lend support to their efforts.   If the name of Home for our Troops, doesn’t give it away, then here’s a hint at what they do.  They are a non-profit organization with the goal and purpose of building homes for our troops who have been severely wounded in combat since 9/11/01.  Of the dozens of homes built each year, each home is specially adapted for the specific conditions of the post-injury veteran who will live in the home.  Home for our Troops reaches out to individual volunteers and corporate sponsors to solicit donations of time, materials, and craftsmanship to make each home build happen.  What a great way to say “Thank You” to a service person who has made a real sacrifice for our country.

From now until October 15, 2012, when you go to one of the participating retailers, and purchase a pair of KEEN Utility boots, $5 per pair will be donated by KEEN to Home for our Troops.  And to sweeten the deal, ask your local retailer if they are taking advantage of the option to match the donation, which will double the donation to $10 per pair given to Home for our Troops!

KEEN Utility and Home for our Troops is a perfect partnership in that KEEN Utility is dedicated to the innovation of footwear that provides workers with a foundation of safety and comfort when working on the job site.  These are the same hardworking craftsmen that will be building these homes for our nation’s heroes.

So click below to find a retailer near you between now and October 15th to get yourself a great pair of work boots, and support a service man or woman at the same time!

To find participating retailers: CLICK HERE

For more information about KEEN Utility: CLICK HERE

For more information about Home for our Troops:  CLICK HERE

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