Alloying Elements. What’re the Effects on Stainless Steels? – PART 3

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Alloying Elements. What’re the Effects on Stainless Steels? After chromium, aluminum and carbon, today is the last post about the effect of alloying elements on stainless steels.

The last 6 alloy elements and their effect on steel.


  • it is an element capable of providing hot oxidation resistance (flake)
  • often it is used in refractory steels
  • it dissolves in the liquid matrix, without giving rise to this carbides:

             – improves resistance to hardening by solid solution
             – decreases the resistance to pitting corrosion (which increases when in the presence of molybdenum)
             – raises the characteristics of magnetic permeability and electric resistivity


  • thanks to its most globular morphology (useful for chip machining time fragmentation) can replace sulphur
  • compared to sulphur, affects less on toughness and the degree of surface finishing
  • annealing the manganese sulphides (but having a high cost is used only in special cases)
  • has limited use (almost in disrepair) because of its high toxicity.


  • improves machinability but decreases the corrosion resistance
  • reduces friction between chips and seizure problems avoiding tool


  • is a stabilizing element that prevents the precipitation of chrome carbides during heat treatment and welding
  • useful in order to counter the intergranular corrosion.


  • useful in order to counter the intergranular corrosion
  • useful for some austenitic steels, in order to strengthen the mechanical properties in heat.


  • has the same characteristic of tungsten.


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